The Ladybirds were out in force for the final Cardinal Caravan giving University of Louisville fans another meet and greet before the fall sports season gets underway.

No mention of any Miami hurricanes or the possible after effects of the Florida storm on the University of Louisville football program during the summer’s final Cardinal Caravan at Captain’s Quarters Thursday.

There were, in fact, no coaches or players present. They were on campus, the practice field, focusing on the on-the-field challenges rather than the controversy ignited by a former UM fan.

Athletic director Tom Jurich as enthusiastic as ever about football, declaring that season football ticket sales may approach 41,000, the maximum available. Rick Pitino took advantage of another opportunity to declare that greatness lies ahead for Charlie Strong and company.

Otherwise, a quiet, respectful politeness prevailing, the turmoil something not to be discussed during a social setting. Fans looking forward to another school year. A long, long summer is coming to an end.

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By Charlie Springer

Charlie Springer is a former Louisville editor and sportswriter, a public affairs consultant, a UofL grad and longtime fan.