Fortunately no remaining games on the University of Louisville basketball schedule are destined to be broadcast only on the Internet site.

But there’s always the possibility, with the ESPN monopoly and arrogance.

Next time the issue comes up, get yourself a Roku-2 digital video player, like the one the observer’s spouse left under the Christmas tree. Roku connects wirelessly to the home network, and comes with many free TV channels and games, including Angry Birds. It is also viewable on I-Phone and Android devices.

The  question came up indirectly when she wanted to see past episodes of an American Classic series on PBS. A quick Google search came up with Playon, software that enables one to watch Internet content on the home TV.

Dozens of choices, including to my surprise, The devices run from $49 to $99, easy to set up. Much better than having to buy a Playstation 3 or an XBox 360, or having to use one of the myriad of other unreliable hookups to Windows PC or Mac computers.

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By Charlie Springer

Charlie Springer is a former Louisville editor and sportswriter, a public affairs consultant, a UofL grad and longtime fan.