Kind of a different July the Fourth to celebrate America’s independence, with much of the country either closed or in upheaval. The best thing is that neither condition is permanent. Despite real or perceived shortcomings, overconfidence or panic, there is ample room for optimism.

Despite real or perceived shortcomings, United States is still the best country in the world. Reflecting the best and the worst in humankind potential. Humankind making choices daily that can lead to positive or negative outcomes. Realistic expectations offset by unrealistic ambitions. 

Through it all, America still offers so many blessings. A country in which people want to do the right thing. A country founded on best practices and the sacred principles, setting the standards almost impossibly high. Hopefully the best that our country has to offer will continue to prevail through all the current challenges.

Have a great Independence Day weekend.

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By Charlie Springer

Charlie Springer is a former Louisville editor and sportswriter, a public affairs consultant, a UofL grad and longtime fan.