This day He arose. The denial of his resurrection and his simple message, the attacks on his followers continue today, from highly sophisticated political assault and academic denial, and media subterfuge at home to persecution and barbarism in the Middle East. All the more reason to observe, celebrate that third day.


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By Charlie Springer

Charlie Springer is a former Louisville editor and sportswriter, a public affairs consultant, a UofL grad and longtime fan.

11 thoughts on “Happy Easter”
    1. As never better stated than in the hilarious, Louisville-centric movie, Stripes, “Lighten up, Francis!”

    2. If you don’t like the polarization of America, then stop being polarizing. Remember, it is not Freedom from Religion.

      1. Correct! It’s the freedom to practice what you want, how you want, without the government providing any instruction in the matter or endorsing any of the potential religious movements or creeds.

        America is wonderful like that!

  1. That’s why I like this site, totally unpredictable, with a few sharp edges, but always in good taste. We don’t exist in a cocoon.

  2. Thanks for taking a minute for Jesus. This gives me another reason to support the site.

  3. I come here for news and articles about Louisville sports. If proselytizing is on the menu, I am going to stop coming here.

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